If you imagine a ranch, your mind might conjure up a typically scenic white fence and red barn. Cowboys with their horses out front and innumerous cattle speckling the green pasture in the background.
This is not our ranch.

Yes, we are small town people. Yes, we are a multigenerational family farm. Yes, we care about our animals and the planet. These are our inspiration; we provide for the world with a heavy emphasis on stewardship and the responsibility we feel towards the community of people who trust us. We are leading a revolution in modern agriculture by educating people, so they know cows have never been the problem. In fact, on our farm, they are the solution.

Our regenerative work began when we integrated the BIDA filtration system in order to utilize our water more efficiently. From there, it only made since to keep pushing our conventional modern farm towards something greater. You may be wondering, why am I talking to you about the worm farm? Isn’t this meant to educate me about the ranch? I cannot emphasize one without the other, and hopefully by the time you’ve finished reading this you will see the beauty in that relationship.

Our farm has evolved into an interdependent network, and I feel pride knowing that our cows are not just born to be a product, they are purposeful and essential to sustain our carbon neutrality. They are valuable pieces of a much larger regenerative ecosystem.

We have found that a diet combination of grass, grains and vegetation helps to produce the perfect ratio of flavor and quality. The marbling in our beef creates a beautiful render and we are confidant you will taste the superiority we have fostered all without compromising the integrity of the nutrition because your cut is full of protein, iron and other essential vitamins.
Physiologically speaking, cows that have felt extreme stress in their lifetime experience a depletion of the glycogen. This would be evident in the meat because higher pH levels result in tougher, dryer texture of the final product. You can feel confident in the care that goes into our farm, because the overall comfort of our cattle is mutually beneficial, and the quality of the meat speaks for itself.
If you have learned anything from this, I hope it’s that we do honestly care, from leaf to beef. I am not just a farmer, I am morally obligated to be a responsible steward of all that I have been blessed with. From the beginning, it has always led back to my family. Someday, my children will be grown and carve out their own paths; I want them to know without hesitation that I did what was within my control to make this world better for them. We are dreaming big on the farm and making big moves towards transparency because in the end, our progress will be measured by you, our supporters.
Royal Family Farming started with my grandpa, I can imagine him overlooking his small green pasture and dreaming about making the world better for his posterity. I am doing all I can to honor that authenticity and devotion for my family, my community, our animals, and the world.
I am grateful to people like you for supporting our dreams--happy grilling!
-Austin Allred, Owner of Royal Family Farms