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Regenerative Agriculture: The What and the Why

Regenerative Agriculture: The What and the Why

In the summer as a young child, one of our favorite memories is caretaking for our families’ backyard garden. It felt like a miracle every time I pulled a carrot from its roots. Even now, there is nothing that compares to biting into a garden-fresh tomato.

 For your backyard garden to yield nutrient dense produce, it requires healthy soil, companionship with diverse vegetation, animal life (pollinators and worms are some of our favorite neighbors!), and protection from natural elements and harsh chemicals.

 Take all these elements, apply them to modern farming, and you’ve got regenerative agriculture!

 Is has not been easy to integrate these natural cycles at such a large scale. And as you can imagine, our large fields don’t look like a typical planter box but most of the time they are our rural backyards!

 At Royal Family Farming, we have been able to harness natural systems like cover crops, worm filtration, and the reabsorption of carbon through sequestration, the process of reallocating carbon back into the soil, to provide the world with delicious and responsibly sourced food! How amazing is that?!

 If you’re a visual learner like us, take a look at this graphic and see how it all comes together:


 “Regenerative agriculture is a management philosophy that seeks to improve soil health. At its core, regenerative agriculture is the process of restoring degraded soils using practices (e.g., adaptive grazing, no-till planting, no or limited use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizer, etc.)”

Regenerative Agriculture is a method of farming that seeks to improve soil health and in turn, decreasing our carbon output (we are currently on our way to being carbon neutral) and up-cycling our water usage.

Austin Allred of Royal Family Farming has made it his mission to pioneer regenerative agriculture at scale. “Regenerative farming addresses care for people, animals and the earth. That’s why we choose this, because we honestly care about making the world a better place for this generation and the generations to come. Our mission goes much further than a paycheck.”

“I believe farmers have a responsibility to provide transparent communication about how our food makes its way to your table. People deserve to know what is going into their bodies, and animals deserve better than to live a life in a stressful environment. Respect and care is the bottom line for us.” - Austin Allred

 You can learn more about our farm here and don’t be shy, come find us on our socials @royalfamilyfarming!

